The award-winning OSMA Journal (ISSN 0030-1876) (USPS 285-000) is the official publication of the Oklahoma State Medical Association and is published bimonthly under the direction of the OSMA Board of Trustees at 313 Northeast 50th, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. Phone: 405-601-9571; 800-522-9452; Fax: 405-601-9575; Email:
Aims and Scope
The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association publishes articles on healthcare topics that are relevant to the professional medical community in general and within Oklahoma. Articles that do not appeal to a broad medical audience are outside of the scope of The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association.
This award-winning journal publishes peer-reviewed medical articles for its members in print and electronic format, and electronically for the general medical community through this link on OSMA’s website. Regular columns include an editorial and president’s page. Articles include original medical and educational research, articles on legislation and policy, case studies with analysis of relevant literature, critical reviews of the literature, commentaries and creative works related to the practice of medicine and medical education and letters to the editor. Board certified OSMA physician members from diverse medical specialties serve on our editorial board. Manuscripts are reviewed by editorial board members and outside reviewers with expertise in the field. All reviews are conducted in a double blinded manner. Readers and submitting authors include physicians and physicians-in training from outside the state and from three state medical schools, private practice, hospitals and public service.
All articles, editorials, letters, and advertisements published represent the opinions of the authors and advertisers, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or endorsement of the Oklahoma State Medical Association or the institution with which the author or product or service is affiliated unless clearly specified. The editorial staff of The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association reserves the right to make the final decision on all content and advertisements, and takes responsibilities for making corrections, retractions and editorial expressions of concerns.
Open Access
All articles published by The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association are open access and have no article processing charges. Articles may be downloaded directly from the website. Reprints of The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association articles are also available by emailing the OSMA Journal Editorial Board.
Subscription to The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association is included with OSMA membership. All other subscriptions are $45 per year. Single issues are $10 per copy, prepaid, subject to availability. The Journal is financed through membership dues.