Access the OSMA Learning Portal

All CME content purchased through the Oklahoma State Medical Association can now be found in our OSMA Learning Portal. Click the button below to visit the portal, view your current/completed courses, or claim your CME credit. 

OSMA Learning Portal

Purchase New CME Courses

Click the buttons below to add new content to your portal and register for upcoming live CMEs. After purchase, your courses will appear in the OSMA Learning Portal.

Upcoming Live Courses         On-Demand Courses

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I register for a CME program? 

A. Register for our upcoming live activities on the Upcoming Events page. Click the title of the event for more information on the program or click the Register Online link to enroll. Please visit the On-Demand CME Courses page to select from our catalog of on-demand, prerecorded online courses. 

Q. I registered for a CME live webinar. How do I attend my webinar?

A. You will receive an email with information on how to join the webinar approximately 24 hours prior to the event. You can also join the webinar from the OSMA Learning Portal. A quick guide on how to join through the OSMA Learning Portal has been provided here for your convenience.

Q. I recently attended an OSMA CME. How do I claim my CME credit?

A. A guide on how to claim CME credit has been provided here for your convenience.

Q. I completed my course and submitted the evaluations in the OSMA Learning Portal. Where is my certificate of completion?

A. Upon completion of the evaluations, your course will move from the Current to the Completed tab in your Learning Center (fig. 1). Visit the OSMA Learning Portal, click the Go to Your Learning Center link and then click Completed to find your course. Once you have located your completed course, you can view and print your certificate by clicking the View Certificate button (fig. 1). 

fig. 1

If you need additional assistance please call the OSMA at (405) 601-9571.

CME Providers

Educators know there's always something new to learn! Oklahoma continuing medical education providers come to OSMA headquarters to learn new CME approaches to count toward Maintenance of Certification and meet commendation criteria. Through ACCME, OSMA is the state's highest-rated CME source and enjoys being a resource to Oklahoma CME providers. More info.

For questions regarding CME accreditation of Oklahoma institutions/organizations, or general CME questions, please contact Katie Kemper at (405) 601-9571 or 1-800-522-9452.

 Display Accreditation Info
In an effort to provide OSMA members ready access to quality Continuing Medical Education CME programs, the OSMA Council on Medical Education accredits Oklahoma institutions/organizations, (i.e., hospitals, medical societies, specialty societies), to designate Category 1 CME hours AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM. These institutions/organizations must follow the Essentials and Standards set down by the ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education). The OSMA Council on Medical Education has the responsibility to see that the Essental Areas are met.

However, some specialty societies and hospital medical staffs require a certain number of CME Category 1 hours on a yearly basis for membership.

435:10-15-1. Continuing Medical Education
(a) Requirements
(1) Each applicant for re-registration (renewal) of licensure shall certify every three years that he/she has completed the requisite hours of continuing medical education (C.M.E.).
(2) Requisite hours of C.M.E. shall be sixty (60) hours of Category I obtained during the preceding three (3) years as defined by the American Medical Association/Oklahoma State Medical Association/American Academy of Family Physicians or other certifying organization recognized by the Board.
(3) Newly licensed physicians will be required to begin reporting three years from the date licensure was granted.
(b) Audit/Verification
(1) The Board staff will, each year, randomly or for cause select licensees to be audited for verification that C.M.E. requirements have been met.
(2) The Board shall accept as verification:
(A) Current American Medical Association Physician Recognition Award(AMAPRA);
(B) Specialty board certification or recertification that was obtained during the three year reporting period, by an American Board of Medical Specialties(ABMS) specialty board;
(C) Proof of residency or fellowship training during the preceding three years. Fifty (50) hours of CME may be awarded for each completed year of training;(D) Copies of certificates for the Category I education.
(c) Compliance
(1) Licensees selected for audit must submit verification of meeting the CME requirement.
(2) Failure to submit such records shall constitute an incomplete application and shall result in the application being returned to the licensee and the licensee being unable to practice.
(3) A license obtained through misrepresentation shall result in Board action.

The license applicant will not be expected to submit proof of CME with each application, but rather to sign a statement of completion. A certain proportion of applicants will be audited each year. Failure to produce the proper documentation will be seen as unprofessional conduct subject to Board sanctions.

All physicians should be accumulating the expected hours of credit in order to renew their license in 2000 and beyond.