Councils and Committees


Accreditation Review Committee

Timothy Holder, MD, Chair
Peter Aran, MD, Vice-Chair
OSMA Contact: Katie Kemper

Finance Committee

John Robinson, MD, Chair
OSMA Contact: Arnora Kearns

CME Planning Committee

Tomas Owens, MD, Chair
Mukesh Parekh, MD, Vice-Chair
OSMA Contact: Katie Kemper

Council on Member Services

Richard Lee Campbell, MD, Chair
OSMA Contact: Jeff Kelton

Legislative Council

George Monks, MD, Chair, Oklahoma City
OSMA Contact: Matt Robison

Constitution and Bylaws Committee

Bruce L. Storms, MD, Chair
Philip Mosca, MD, Vice-Chair
OSMA Contact: Chelsea Abney

Journal Editorial Board

Phebe M. Tucker, MD, Editor-in-Chief
OSMA Contact: Jeff Kelton

Medical Ethics and Competency Committee

Mary Clarke, MD, Chair
OSMA Contact: Chelsea Abney

Physicians’ Campaign for a Healthier Oklahoma/
Council on Public and Mental Health

Robert J. Weedn, MD, Chair
OSMA Contact: Melissa Johnson

 For more information about Councils and Committees, contact the OSMA at 405-601-9571 or email OSMA.